Saturday, October 30, 2010 is full of PHICK & SHADAM loving FREAK MODS!

So, I post my opinions about Sharon, not even Shick - and the mods delete my thread (which had MANY replies I might add) because they are Sham/SHADAM/PHICK loving biased pricks who think censoring me will stop me talking.

No bitches, it just stops me talking on your site.

There's a reason people say you're all a biased bunch of morons, because you are. You have no lives and are pathetic liars if you try to say the site is for ALL views and opinions. You CENSOR my views left, right and center and you can all GO TO HELL!

I hope you get hit by a bus. Assholes.


  1. Also, I agree 100% with you on this post. They have the worst mods!!!

  2. Those mods are Saran Wraps just pitiful how biased and unfair that board is administrated they started a thread about not calling the characters Nicknames..LMAO!! are they this serious over fictional characters to make it a board rule. WOW
